Welcome to my site!
I am very pleased to present my art—the art of peace, tranquility, tradition and love. Art a little eccentric but always firmly set in reality (this could be the shortest and best description of my character too). I always look back and search for roots of all the subjects I paint. All my paintings have their origins in my life experience, past or present, and all of them mirror my love for the subjects I paint. Behind them all stands a real story.
My artistic inspiration comes from my childhood which I spent in a traditional Polish family living in the old and beautiful city of Zator near Kraków, Poland. In those times, the Zator region was small, peaceful, and rural—a perfect environment for living a comfortable country life and my family cherished that lifestyle. It is the natural world that is a constant theme in my art and an endless source of inspiration and comfort.
I was born with a great love of art and nature. It is enough for me to feel a slight breeze and my heart can see its color and sense the aroma of summer or fall. I recall the moments when a breeze touched flowers of red clover and brought the smell of honey or whispered among the leaves of the willow tree or moved wheat fields making great waves of green and silver or ruffled the surface of golden and blue water on an old pond bringing the scent of rushes and mud. I can see the beauty of it all and I want to paint it.
I started to paint in a professional manner as a mature person who already knew what is important in life; and to me the most important things in my life are family, positive attitude, love, tradition, and admiration of God's creation. While in artistic expression, uniqueness and originality are two qualities I value most. Being a lover of art I found my inspiration in medieval art and in works of old masters. In art I am faithful to Albrecht Dürer who said, "Truly, art is hidden in nature".
In addition to Zator, the two other cities that I'm very closely connected with are Oświęcim—where I lived since 1961 and where I attended high school—and Kraków where my close family lived and I completed my University degree. To this day I keep in touch with my hometowns and I feel privileged to be part of their cultural life:
- http://www.zator.pl/kultura_i_edukacja/anna_maciejewska_dyba.html
- http://www.rstkoswiecim.pl/page5.html
In New York, I have been involved in cultural activities of the Pilsudski Institute where I was curating the library and collections of art. See the catalog I prepared for the Exhibition and Auction of Contemporary Polish and International Art organized by the Pilsudski Institute at the Consulate General of Republic of Poland.
I hope my art helps to create a better appreciation, love and understanding of nature and therefore life itself.
Important Exhibitions
- Pilsudski Institute of America – NYC – 2002
- The Consulate General of Republic of Poland – NYC – 2004
- Gallery of Kurier Plus – Brooklyn, NY – 2005
- Galeria Szklana – Zator, Poland – 2014
- Dom Polonii – Kraków, Poland – 2014
- Technical School Complex – Jelenia Góra, Poland – 2016
- Art Lab's 13th Annual Open Show – Staten Island, NY – 2016
- Art Lab's 14th Annual Open Show – Staten Island, NY – 2017
- Learning Academy for Seniors, branch of Wrocław University – Jelenia Góra, Poland – 2017
- Art Lab's 15th Annual Open Show – Staten Island, NY – 2018
- Art Lab's 16th Annual Open Show – Staten Island, NY –2019
- 69th Annual Fence Show – Staten Island Museum, Snug Harbor, NY – 2019
- Art Lab's 17th Annual Open Show – Staten Island, NY – 2020
- 70th Annual Fence Show – Staten Island Museum, Snug Harbor, NY – 2020
- Art Lab's 18th Annual Open Show – Staten Island, NY – 2021
The opening of my exhibition "Beauty of the Land of Zator and Oświęcim — Paradise of Our Childhood", Zator, Poland, September 2014.
The exhibition was organized on the ocassion of 100-year anniversary of Stanisław Konarski High School in Oświęcim.
© Kulturalny Powiat
© Kasztelania Pl
Exhibition of my works in Dom Polonii in Kraków, Poland, October/November 2014 organized by Immamura Art Gallery and Teatr Słowa i Tańca JK Dom Polonii.
© Kinoamatorskie
"Truly, art is hidden in nature" — Albrecht Dürer
© 2023 Anna Maciejewska-Dyba